Mozaik Peradaban Islam

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Nazeer Ahmed

A Book Review of Intellectual Achievements of Muslims by Ibrahim B. Syed (2)

in English Articles

Muslims remained suspicious of philosophical enquiry. Kalam, rather than philosophy became the most important subject in the madrassahs. Reviewed by Nazeer Ahmed[1] In Chapter 2, The Rise and Decline of Science in Islamic Civilization, Professor Ayub Omayya presents an incisive historical analysis of science and culture in Islamic societies. He observes that “the rise of…

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A Book Review of Intellectual Achievements of Muslims by Ibrahim B. Syed (1)

in English Articles

It is no wonder that Ibn Rushd is referred to as the greatest philosopher after Aristotle. Reviewed by Nazeer Ahmed[1] The book, Intellectual Achievements of Muslims (Published by Star Publications, New Delhi, India and Islamic-Circle, Qur’an House, Mauritius Published  in 2002, 3 Chapters, 133 pages), highlights the intellectual achievements of Muslims in the classical age…

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