Mozaik Peradaban Islam

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English Articles

English Articles

Understanding Political Islam: Analysis of its Emergence in the Global World

“To understand Muslim politics is to look at the diverse methods by which people identify themselves as Muslims in various social locations, be they religious scholars, intellectuals, merchants, and so on, in understanding, utilizing and mobilizing the symbols and language of Islam around issues of social order, power, and authority..” Reading comment on “thinking about… Teruskan Membaca

English Articles

Muhammad Iqbal and His Major Works (2)

The search for rational foundations has begun with the Prophet himself, when he prayed, “God! Grant me knowledge of the ultimate nature of things!” It seems that Iqbal takes modern science and philosophy much more seriously than only as a means of justifying his ideas. Reflecting on the modern development of science and technology, he… Teruskan Membaca

English Articles

Muhammad Iqbal and His Major Works (1)

“Rooh” is that divine spark which is present in every human being Sir Muhammad Iqbal, or widely known as Allama Iqbal, was born on 9 November 1877 and died in 21 April 1938. He is regarded by many as one of the most influential Muslim figures in the 21st century. Only handful of Muslim poet, philosopher,… Teruskan Membaca

English Articles

A Book Review of Intellectual Achievements of Muslims by Ibrahim B. Syed (2)

Muslims remained suspicious of philosophical enquiry. Kalam, rather than philosophy became the most important subject in the madrassahs. Reviewed by Nazeer Ahmed[1] In Chapter 2, The Rise and Decline of Science in Islamic Civilization, Professor Ayub Omayya presents an incisive historical analysis of science and culture in Islamic societies. He observes that “the rise of… Teruskan Membaca

English Articles

A Book Review of Intellectual Achievements of Muslims by Ibrahim B. Syed (1)

It is no wonder that Ibn Rushd is referred to as the greatest philosopher after Aristotle. Reviewed by Nazeer Ahmed[1] The book, Intellectual Achievements of Muslims (Published by Star Publications, New Delhi, India and Islamic-Circle, Qur’an House, Mauritius Published  in 2002, 3 Chapters, 133 pages), highlights the intellectual achievements of Muslims in the classical age… Teruskan Membaca

English Articles

Wherefore Art Thou Assessment

Islamic schools suffer from a skewed view of intelligence, and it has done much damage to the education of our generations, and the ones before them. By Sayed Hyder[1] Howard Gardner, in his book,  “Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons“, suggested to incorporate eight features if we want to refresh our perspectives on education: Emphasis on Assessment… Teruskan Membaca